82. Second Trimester WEEK 20 and Women’s Health with Karin Ashley

Anatomy scan. Amniotic fluid. Fluttering. Learn how drinking lots of liquids before your anatomy scan can lead to a better, clearer reading [16:33].

Celeste and Dave celebrate being halfway through their pregnancy with their sweet banana baby as they share updates for week 20. They dive into the results of their anatomy scan, the passing of meconium post-birth, and how sleeping cycles cause more fluttering kicks [1:23].

Karin Ashley, an Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, joins Celeste in an informative discussion on:

  • Tools to prepare for conception and healthy prenatal care [24:19]

  • The medical difference between infertility and subfertility [32:16]

  • Advice for partners who are supporting the pregnant person [33:24]

  • Advocacy within the medical field and women’s health [45:13]

  • Karin’s experience of postpartum mental health as a mother of six [50:34]

  • Expressing big feelings for toddlers and newborns [58:28]


American Pregnancy Association – Meconium

Natural Health After Birth, by Aviva Jill Romm

The Postnatal Depletion Cure, by Oscar Serrallach



Karin Ashley IG

Celeste Busa IG

Dave Hill IG


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83. Second Trimester WEEK 21 and Disordered Eating with Kathryn Gantt


81. Second Trimester WEEK 19 and Artistic Freedom with M.M. DeVoe