71. Reproductive Rights, Abortion and Advocacy with Kelsey Walker

Roe v. Wade, Osteogenesis imperfecta, EMDR therapy. Gain insights into how one woman used her community support to help advocate her reproductive rights. Dave returns to chat with Celeste about staying connected with your partner, including shower meetings, holding hands, and good TV. Advocate Kelsey Walker joins Celeste in an emotional conversation sharing her experience with abortion, advocating for reproductive rights at the Supreme Court, and detailing how her non-profit supports people through abortions, miscarriage and pregnancy loss. 

From the Green Desk Website

Shout Your Abortion Website

Celeste Busa IG

Dave Hill IG


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72. Postpartum OCD, Intrusive Thoughts and Seeking Help with Jenna Overbaugh


70. Social Boundaries, Friendships and Trust with Jessica Speer